Once a user has been selected for editing, the Patient Record Access section will appear. This section deals with permissions related to the Document Manager module.

Practices with multiple users of the same Resource Type can use this section to copy Document Manager Rights from one user to another (e.g., if a practice has 3 front desk personnel, the user can copy the first front desk’s Document Manager Rights over to the other 2). Document Manager folder names will display below.

To copy Document Manager Rights:

1.Type the user’s name you want to copy Rights from into the From field, and select the user’s name from the Smart Search results.
2.Type the user’s name you want to copy Rights to into the To field, and select the user’s name from the Smart Search results. By default, it is populated with the selected user.
3.Click in the check box(es) of the Folder Name(s) you want to copy Rights for.
4.Click the “Copy Data” button to copy Rights.
5.Click the “Save” button located above the window.