In order to bill to an insurance company, the payer must be linked, or “mapped”, to a facility.

To map insurance companies:

1.Click in the check box next to the facility listing.

*Note: Click in the check box at the top of the column to select all facilities listed.

2.Click the “Map Insurance” button located at the top right corner of the facility grid. This will open the Map Facility-Provider-Insurance screen.

On the Map Facility-Provider-Insurance screen, do the fill in the following fields:

3.Select the Region using the drop-down menu.
4.Click in the check boxes next to the Facilities to be mapped.

*Note: Click the “Select All” check box to map all Facilities listed.

5.Click in the check boxes next to the Insurance(s) to be mapped.

*Note: Click the “Select All” check box to map all Insurances listed.

6.Click the “Map Insurance” button to complete insurance mapping.

