Configuring Text Reminder Setup

The Text Reminder Setup section helps you set up text reminders to be sent to patients.

To configure the text reminder setup:

1.In the Appointment Reminder Configuration Settings panel, in the Text Reminder Setup section, do the following:
In the Max Advance Notice field, select the number of days as “Same day” or any option between 1 and 5 days from the drop-down list so that the text reminder is sent that many days in advance of the appointment.
In the Text Message field, type the text to be displayed on the patient’s phone upon receiving the reminder from the facility. It is recommended to enter text only up to 130 characters. If the text exceeds 130 characters, the text message splits into 2 parts. The keywords (e.g., #OFFICE#, #NAME#) used in the script are preconfigured and must not be changed. If required, you can change the content in the remaining body structure only. It is recommended to contact the INSYNC EMR support to make any kind of changes in the script.
In the Text Reminder Start Time field, enter the time in 24-Hour format, e.g., 10:00 or 22:00. This time will be displayed on the Patient Appointment Reminder window on the Scheduler screen.
In the Practice Short Name field, type the short name of the practice. This is useful only in case of long practice names, when the long name may consume more space in the Text Message field that might result in splitting message into 2 parts. This field is mandatory. If you feel your practice name is not so long, use the same name as a short name.
2.Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save the changes. The text reminder is set.