Configuring Direct E-Mail Users

To configure Direct E-mail users:

1.From the left menu items, click Administration > Configuration > Direct E-mail User Management. The Direct E-mail User Management screen is displayed.
2.Click the Edit Record iconINSYNC~1_img808.
3.Select the Resource Type or Role option. Based on the selection, the Resource Type or Role field is displayed below. This field is mandatory.
On selecting the Resource Type option, select one or more resource types by selecting the check boxes from the drop-down list.
On selecting the Role option, select one or more roles by selecting the check boxes from the drop-down list.
4.Select the one or more users from the drop-down list who should gain the access on Direct E-mail. The selected users will be able to send or receive e-mails on the selected Direct E-mail ID. This field is mandatory.
5.Click Save to save the details.
6.Click the inactivate iconINSYNC~1_img650 to inactivate the e-mail address details.
7.Select the Show Inactive check box to view the list of inactive e-mail addresses. Click the activate iconINSYNC~1_img759to reactivate the corresponding e-mail address.

