Adding Insurance Information

Practice users can add patient's insurance details using the insurance tab of the patient demographics.

To enter patient insurance/subscriber information:

1.Start typing the insurance company name and select using the drop-down options. If you don’t see the insurance you are looking for, you need to enter it in the Active Payer List from the “Administration” section.

Note: For more information on this topic, please refer the Administration section.

2.Select the Priority from the drop-down.
3.Enter policy/group number, group name, effective start and end dates, and any deductibles or copays associated with that insurance policy.
4.Enter the Plan Name, if any.

Note: Details recorded in the Plan Name field are printed in the box 9d on the HCFA form and transmitted through 837 file.

5.Select the percentage of Co Insurance from the drop-down.
6.Select Insurance Type code from the drop-down.
Note: You can add multiple secondary and tertiary payers.
7.Enter Subscriber and Contact Details. If the patient is the same as the subscriber or the contact, select the “Copy Patient Details”/“Copy Patient’s Contact Details” check box to avoid reentry.
8.Type the Program Name
9.Click Save.

The insurance information the user has just associated with the patient will now display in a listing in the Insurance tab below the Patient Ribbon. A number of actions now become available to the user:

1.Click the Edit icon next to the payer listing to edit patient insurance information, including adding an “End Effective” date if necessary.

Note: This will return the user to the Insurance Details screen.

2.Click the Deactivate icon next to the payer listing to deactivate the selected insurance company for the patient. Click “OK” to confirm the deletion of the policy from the patient file.
3.Clicking the patient_eligibility icon navigates user to the patient eligibility details screen. For additional information, please see the Verifying Patient Eligibility section below.
4.Click the copy authorization icon Copy authorization icon to copy the authorization details from one payer to another payer.
5.Clicking the attachment icon icon will open a new window where you can browse for a scanned file or image of the patient’s Insurance Card for quick and easy access.

Note: For further instruction, please see Attaching a Document.

The “Active” check box is preselected for the user to display only active insurance policies. To view the inactive insurance policies associated with a patient, click once in the box.